Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Elder May: Week #2: P-day #2 - MTC

Many of you know that Elder Bryson has had difficult with his health at the MTC.  While his health is still not good, he loves being a missionary and is really struggling with whether he needs to come home or not.  We would ask for your continued prayers and support on his behalf and joining us in a family fast on Sunday.  He does meet with the doctor tomorrow to see next steps but he wants to stay so we will see. 

At any rate, here is his letter this week... Enjoy!

Hi mom!

A lot of stuff has happened in the last few days so I will just quickly catch you up on everything for the most part.

We taught our TRCs this week and committed them both to baptism and found out later that they were both real. I would recommend reading D&C 18:10-11 because it gave me comfort. . I remember getting a box with chips ahoy and tootsie rolls and stuff and I have kind of shared it with my whole zone. I remember getting an enormous box and my whole district including the sisters wanted to know what was in it but you can't open them until 9:25pm so we all shared spiritual experiences with each other for an hour and a half until it was time to open the box and we loved it so much! The care package place was closed on Sunday and Monday but I have another notice so we are just gonna wait until I can go down and grab it. I am supposed to leave for Tennessee next Tuesday which is unfortunate because I have come to love it here, plus Elder Bednar is supposed to be here next week for a devotional so I missed it by a day. It is starting to get hot and humid here too and wearing a suit coat all day does not help either. 

 I was told this last week by one of our investigators that we taught that he had been to all of the different ministers and could tell they were all lying about their religion. He told Elder Kesler, McNaughtan and I that we were the best missionaries that he had been with in over 15 years and that we have a certain aura about ourselves that because of us, he wants to be baptized. I thought that was super cool because the first visit went by and he was asking us question after question and being angry about our church and McNaughtan and I just wanted to punch him in the face haha but by the end of our fourth visit with him, The Spirit was so strong and I had come to love him so much that all of us were shedding tears of joy for him. I wasn't physically there to commit the other guy Jose to baptism but I was told that it went really well and apparently they got the TRC member to pray for me. If anything, I am very grateful for the work that I have already done and I am grateful for the time that I have served. I just kind of wish that all of the problems would be set aside sometimes but I know that they are what makes my testimony so I am just stuck with them haha. 

I forgot to tell you too. I have learned how to give priesthood blessings of comfort and they are insane! I have given about three to different elders and sisters who needed them but it has been crazy these last few days. I think we have almost all gotten at least one or two blessings now in the last few days and so i have been a part of like 20 priesthood blessings now. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Elder May: Week 1: P-day #1 - MTC

Many of you know that Elder May had a very difficult time acclimating with his asthma at the MTC this past week.  At one point, he was breathing about 89% and needed to go on heavy duty steroid and up his inhaler medications to deal with the colder, wetter climate in Utah.   
Hearing from him today and how much love as well as support was just amazing.  He is loving it and wants to stay as long as his health challenges get under control.  

Bryson was given one of the absolute beautiful setting apart blessings I have ever heard and was promised MANY things if he was faithful and and stalwart.  His choices to stay and find a way through his challenges show us as his parents his dedication to the Lord and I am sure that the Lord is very pleased with him as well.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers and thoughts.

  Here is his first email home and some pictures... enjoy!!

Hi Mom - 
First week is in the books!   I have two comps so we form a trio. It can be crazy difficult at times. I have one that I get along with real well and our strengths work together real well and then I have one that seems disinterested in class and interrupts people so it's been a bit more difficult for me to feel the Spirit. The classes are amazing though and I cannot get enough of them. I have been having difficulties with my physical health though. I have already had two times where I have been in a lot of distress and I have used my inhaler multiple times every day I've been here so far but I'm working through it the best I can.
Our district consists of 3 elders and 6 sisters and the sisters are all amazing lol. Learning has been tough and the hours go by slow but the days seem to be going a bit faster. I'm just taking it a day at a time and trying to make memories.
As far as the food, most of it is actually really good but I have somehow lost almost ten pounds since I have been here. I am not used to being called "Elder May" yet and it is weird how my district is all best friends and we don't even know our first names but it is a lot of fun here for the most part.
I love and miss everyone at home so much. It's been hard being away from everyone but I'm hoping it gets better soon. I appreciate all the emails I got already. It was really a good sight to see.
I'll write again soon.
Elder Bryson May

Monday, May 16, 2016

Elder Bryson May's Farewell - May 15, 2016

Yesterday was Elder Bryson May's farewell and what an amazing farewell it was.  2 in six weeks has not been the greatest time ever but I am very proud of Elder Bryson and the amazing talk he gave on finding refuge.  I have uploaded his talk and supplied the link here... Enjoy!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bryson 2007 to Present

Since the boys were little, I have put together a video of their life at major milestones such as baptism, being ordained with the Aaronic Priesthood  and of course, being called to be a missionary.  
I finished Bryson's last night and wanted to upload as soon as possible... Enjoy!