Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bryson Enters The House of the Lord!

What a glorious experience to take our youngest son to the "House of the Lord".  We were surrounded by family and friends to welcome him after he made his temple covenants.  It was a surreal moment to have all five of us in the Celestial Room and just be still together.  I am so proud of Bryson and the choice that he made to make those covenants and I hope he remembers this special day forever.  I am humbled to be his mom and I am truly grateful for the restored gospel and for the knowledge I have of forever families!

Thank you all who took time out of your very busy lives to share this special day with Bryson and our family.  Words cannot express the joy and love we have for your all for your support to our family.  

Countdown to launch: 13 days, 22 hours, and approximately 56 mins

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