Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Elder May: Week 12 (Service Mission)

Finally... after weeks of waiting and mulling over his decision, Elder Bryson May was formally called to the Phoenix Arizona Youth Service Mission to serve the duration of 24-months in the various service capacities outlined by the service mission area.  As earlier stated, Elder Bryson is serving at the Save The Family working directly with the COO of the organization and really is thriving.  He has so many experiences and opportunities to serve.  We love him and we are oh, so proud of him.  Enjoy!

Elder May at Save The Family
Hello!  It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  I was officially called to the Phoenix Arizona Youth Service Mission and was set apart as such last Thursday night.  It was a different blessing than the one I got before I left for Tennessee but still very inspiring.  I had an orientation meeting about everything of the service mission stuff last Wednesday and I really liked getting to know the mission president and what me new experience entails.  It is far more structured than I thought it would be.  It makes me sad that the purpose is so much different than that of a proselyting missionary. The service mission is like pray and study, serve others, something else and learn life skills. I have realized too that my example in my service is what people are looking at and through that example I am showing the love of Jesus Christ to them.  I love to serve and help others so much, especially those at the Save the Family Foundation like helping answer calls for homeless people and helping coworkers around with different things. It just makes me sad that now I can't fully teach people anymore if you know what I'm saying.

I'm starting to get trusted more and more by my supervisor as she is starting to trust me with more important jobs like manning the front desk even though I have like a fear of phone calls and stuff like that. I am not sure why either because I can talk to people face to face and I can do text and email but i am just not good at all with phone calls. It's terrible but I'm getting better! Life skill! I know that I am normally terrified of phone calls but relying on the Lord, I am wanting the phone now to ring more and more because through the Lord, I have gotten good at it and the words just flow straight through. I have hit my 3 month mark too and I am now 1/8 done with my mission and I am excited to keep on going. Thank you for all your support and encouragement.  It was a long 3-months but I know that this is where I am supposed to be.  I am excited for the next 3-months to come.  I love you all and wish you all a great week!

Love Elder May

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