Thursday, September 1, 2016

Elder May: August Monthly Email

Elder Bryson is asked to report on his service mission monthly to his mission president, stake president and bishop.  One of the biggest reasons is because this program is a pilot program that is blazing the path for the way service missions are performed in the future.  This, among others, is one of the reasons that Elder Bryson felt that this was the right path for him and the Lord had prepared him for this.  Boy, do we love this Elder!  And we are oh, so proud of him!  Enjoy!!


For those of you who don't know, my name is Elder Bryson May and I have been serving a service mission with the Save the Family Foundation in Mesa. Save the Family helps homeless families with minor children be able to get back up on their feet and regain self-sufficiency. I get to help homeless people find the next step as they move forward with gaining self-sufficiency.

My service mission has been absolutely wonderful! Everyone here is so nice to me and wants me to help them more and more. I started off when I first got here by scanning documents and organizing the files online and the more that I'm here, I'm starting to get trusted more and more by my supervisor as she is starting to trust me with more important jobs like manning the front desk even though I have like a fear of phone calls and stuff like that. I don't know why either because I can talk to people face to face and I can do text and email but i am just not good at all with phone calls. It's terrible but I'm getting better! It's a new life skill! I know that I am normally terrified of phone calls but relying on the Lord, I am wanting the phone now to ring more and more because through the Lord, I have gotten good at it and the words just flow straight through.

I have gone from scanning files to helping at the front desk and helping people up front and with phone calls and transferring people and now I can do background checks on people and helping more of my coworkers with different jobs they have. They all really like me and I love the group that I am with. They treat me more as a missionary and that I am here to help them. They see me more as an equal, a part of the team, rather than the typical boss and employee kind of relationship. I have been able to help them on different days depending on the need rather than only coming on specific days. Soon, I might be asking for an extension here, on if I could stay for both years of my mission because they believe that I can only be here for a year and soon I will ask for my supervisor to extend it to the two years because as I have become acquainted with everyone, I have come close to all of them and my desire to serve them has grown more and more. I'm planting the seed, and increasing other people's faith in Jesus Christ through my service to them.

I can't wait to continue growing through with my mission. I love to serve all of these people and I love to be a service missionary. I feel like I am learning so many things and through relying on the Lord I have been able to get so much more of the Spirit to be inside of me as I am trusting in him while I am at my mission. I can keep eye contact with people and I know exactly how to help people as I interact with them, either through the phone or face to face. I can't wait to keep serving these people and being how the Lord would want me to be. I can't wait to continue serving my mission here! 

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